rsync between servers

rsync -avzhe ssh --progress directory/ [email protected]:~/

Custom port:

rsync -avzh -e "ssh -p 666" --progress directory/ [email protected]:~/

Directory Locally

rsync -avzh $source_directory $_destination_directory/

Exclude Directories Locally

The . represents the current directory

rsync -avzh --exclude 'Dir1/' --exclude 'Dir2/' --exclude 'Dir3' --exclude 'Dir4/' . /var/www/vhost/

Need to update
rsync -avn --delete
rsync -avni --delete
rsync -avni --update

-a - archive mode, archive mode allows copying files recursively and it also preserves symbolic links, file permissions, user & group
-v - verbose
-r - recursively
-z - compress
-h - human readable output
--progress - show progress report
--include - include only the directories mentioned
--exclude - exclude only the directories mentioned