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  • RPM
  • changelog (Installed Packages)
  • changelog (not installed)

Query Packages

Show current package installed for a service

rpm -qa package

Find Configuration files

Find configuration files associated with a package

rpm -qc package

Package Install Date

rpm -qa --last
rpm -qa --qf '%{INSTALLTIME} %-40{NAME} %{INSTALLTIME:date}\n' | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2-
That queries all your installed RPM packages (rpm -qa) and prints them using a format (–qf) with the time of installation first in seconds since the epoch(%{INSTALLTIME}), then the name of the package in a 40 character field, left justified (%-40{NAME}), then the installation time as a date and time (%{INSTALLTIME:date}). The result is sorted by the first time field, then that time field is removed.
Source: http://superuser.com/questions/366380/how-to-list-recent-yum-updates