==== Process Uptime ==== Find the process ID of the master (parent process), then: ls -ld /proc/3380 Output looks like: dr-xr-xr-x 8 root root 0 Nov 12 23:05 /proc/3380 or ps -eo user,pid,cmd,etime,ppid | grep http ps -eo user,pid,cmd,etime,ppid | grep service Show JUST the master process: ps -eo user,pid,cmd,etime,ppid | grep -v grep | grep http | grep root Output is simlar: 3380 nginx: master process /usr/ 1-02:50:02 8543 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8544 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8545 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8546 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8547 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8548 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8549 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 8550 nginx: worker process 02:50:10 The bit we are interested in is the master process: 3380 nginx: master process /usr/ 1-02:50:02 This represents 1 days, 2 hours, 50 mins and 2 seconds \\ \\ ------------------------ ==== Server uptime ==== w uptime \\ \\ ------------------------ ==== Apache uptime ==== \\ CentOS service httpd fullstatus Ubuntu apache2ctl fullstatus \\ Sometimes the correct packages are not installed to run these commands \\ Alternative: grep -i resuming /var/log/httpd/error.log grep -i resuming /var/log/apache2/error.log \\ \\ ------------------------ ==== mysql uptime ==== \\ You can use any of the following commands mysqladmin version | grep -i uptime or SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Uptime'; or mysql -e 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE "Uptime"' | grep ''[[:digit:]]'' | awk '{ print $2 / 60 / 60 / 24 " days"}'