Installing recap. Change /root/ to the user you wish to install git for == CentOS/RHEL == yum install bc gawk git elinks iotop make net-tools psmisc sysstat -y ; cd /home/rack ; git clone ; cd recap/; make install == Ubuntu == apt-get install bc gawk git elinks iotop make net-tools psmisc sysstat; cd /home/rack ; git clone ; cd recap/; make install \\ Changing recap/rs-sysmon logging intervals: vim /etc/cron.d/recap The section should look similar to the following. Comment out the 10 mins and uncomment 5 mins cron #Every hour #0 * * * * root /usr/sbin/recap #Every 30 minutes #*/30 * * * * root /usr/sbin/recap #Every 10 minutes */10 * * * * root /usr/sbin/recap #Every 5 minutes #*/5 * * * * root /usr/sbin/recap # Pack and clear log files 0 1 * * * root /usr/sbin/recaplog \\ Command for using recap logs echo -e "\nActive users:"; w -h | grep -v rack; echo -e "\n"; \sar -q -s `date -d '-3 hour' +%T`;cd /var/log/recap;echo ""; ls -ltr resour* | tail -n 10 ; echo -e "\n\nTime?";read vr2;echo ""; ls -ltr resources* | grep $vr2 | cat $(awk '{ print $NF }') | egrep -m 2 -A 15 "UPTIME report | cut -b 119- |Top 10 cpu using processes"; unset vr2;echo "";