Please see '[[yum_plugin_replace|yum replace]]' for installing the correct package === Upgrading PHP === The following guide will use yum-plugin-replace to upgrade php. \\ \\ \\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- === WARNING! === Before upgrading, please make sure plesk is NOT installed service psa status rpm -qa | grep -i 'psa\|plesk' IF you run the following guide and plesk IS installed, it will remove the 'php-psa' module which will fully remove plesk from your device!!! \\ \\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\ \\ 1 ) **Note:** **__BACKUP__** php.ini file before you do anything! \\ cp /etc/php.ini{,.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).back} \\ 2 ) Check version currently installed: php -v PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Oct 30 2014 20:12:53) Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies \\ 3) Find package you wish to upgrade to: # yum info php56u.x86_64 | grep -i 'name\|version\|release\|size' Name : php56u Version : 5.6.15 Release : 1.ius.el6 Size : 2.7 M \\ 4) php -m > /home/php-modulebackup \\ 5) \\ You will not be able to simply install the new package, it will conflict with lots of installed packages. \\ What we need to do it 'replace' packages (Note: you may need to run yum-complete-transaction first). \\ yum replace php --replace-with=php56u \\ 6) php -m > /home/php-modulebackupUpgrade diff the two file