=== Checking Battery Status === omreport battery omreport storage battery omreport chassis omconfig system esmlog action=clear omreport system alertlog | less Severity : Ok ID : 2188 Date and Time : Tue Jun 21 02:01:57 2016 Category : Storage Service Description : The controller write policy has been changed to Write Through.: Battery 0 Controller 0 \\ omreport storage vdisk controller=0 Controller PERC 6/i Integrated (Embedded) ID : 0 Status : Ok Name : Virtual Disk 0 State : Ready Encrypted : Not Applicable Layout : RAID-5 Size : 1,394.38 GB (1497198755840 bytes) Device Name : /dev/sda Bus Protocol : SAS Media : HDD Read Policy : Adaptive Read Ahead Write Policy : Write Through Cache Policy : Not Applicable Stripe Element Size : 64 KB Disk Cache Policy : Disabled \\ == Battery Check == omconfig storage controller controller=0 action=exportlog grep -i abs /var/log/lsi_*.log T23: Absolute State of Charge : 34 % Chances are you need to replace your battery \\ \\