=== mysql/MariaDB connections === ^ Variable Name ^ Definition ^ | Threads_connected | The number of currently open connections. | | Connections | The number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server | \\ Viewing configured connections: show variables like "max_connections"; From command line: mysql -e 'show variables;' | grep max_connections \\ \\ View the current connections with: SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected'; \\ \\ **Note**: The following command does NOT show current connections, it shows the history of attempted connections (successful or not). \\ http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-status-variables.html#statvar_Connections show status like 'Con%' \\ ==== Configuring Maximum Connections ==== == Run time == SET GLOBAL max_connections = 200; \\ \\ ==== /etc/my.cnf ==== [mysqld] set-variable=max_connections=200