====== Home Page ====== \\ === Welcome === This site has been designed to be used as a **reference point**, with useful **commands** and **installation/configuration guides**. \\ You can simply use ctrl + f to search for a topic in this wiki or use the search bar in the top right hand corner \\ ===== Site Content: ===== * **__Troubleshooting__** * **System** * [[system_stats|System Usage Summary]] * [[process_investigation|Process Investigation]] * [[top5_cpu_processes|Top 5 CPU Processes]] * [[ram_diagnostics|Ram Usage Breakdown]] * [[memory_hoggers|Memory Hoggers]] * [[tcpdump|TCPDUMP]] * **Web server** * [[apache_buddy|Apache Buddy]] * [[max_clients|Apache Max Clients]] * [[php-fpm_investigation|php-fpm Investigating]] * [[php-fpm_pal|php-fpm pal]] * [[strace_php-fpm|fpm strace]] * [[netstat|Netstat]] * [[connetctions_to_port|Connections to port]] * [[apache_sitedown|'Site-down' Investigation]] * [[log_hits|Log Summary]] * [[nginx_oneliner|nginx server blocks (httpd -S equivalent)]] 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[[mysql_mysqldump|mysqldump]] * [[holland_backup_centos|Holland Backup]] * [[mysql_phpmyadmin|phpMyadmin]] * [[mysql_remotedb_access|Remote db Access]] * [[mysql_database_sizes|database/tables sizes]] * [[mysql_master_slave_replication|mysql replication (master slave)]] * **__Networking__** * [[adding_routes|Adding Static Routes]] * **__Logging__** * [[recap|Recap]] * [[sar|Sar]] * [[logrotate|Logrotate]] * [[lsof|lsof]] * **__PHP__** \\ * [[php-fpm|php-fpm]] * [[php_versions|Versions]] * [[info_php|info.php]] * [[php_ini|php.ini]] * [[securing_php|Securing PHP]] * [[php_error_logging|Error Logging]] * [[php-upgrade|php upgrade (yum-plugin-replace)]] * **__iptables__** * [[iptables_addport|Add Port]] * [[iptables_droprule|Deleting a rule]] * [[ufw|UFW]] * **__Nginx__** \\ * [[install_nginx|install]] * [[nginx_configuration|server block]] * [[http_auth|Http Authentication]] * [[nginx_compression|compression]] * [[proxy_pass|Proxy Pass]] * [[nginx_code|rewrite/redirect code]] * [[nginx_ssl|SSL]] * [[nginx_security|Security]] * __**Syncing/Replication/lsync**__ * [[lsync|lsync]] * **__DNS__** * [[dns_doctoring|DNS Doctoring]] * **__Admin__** * [[kernel|Kernel]] * [[tune2fs|Tune2fs]] * [[fileadmin_scp|Secure Copy (SCP)]] * [[find_command|find command]] * [[tar|tar]] * [[awk|awk + sed]] * [[rsync|rsync]] * [[screen_session|Screen Sessions]] * [[screen_session_share|Screen Share]] * [[rename|rename]] * [[sort|Sort]] * [[history_timeformat|History TimeStamps]] * zip * __**FTP/sFTP**__ * [[ftp|vsFTPd]] * [[sftp|sFTP]] * __**Mail**__ * [[sending_mail|Sending Mail]] * [[deleting_mail|Deleting Mail]] * __**Cron Jobs**__ * [[cronjobs|Format + Examples]] * **__Varnish__** \\ * install * configure * [[varnish_default.vcl|default.vcl]] * [[varnish_restart|restart/test config]] * apache * nginx * **__Fail2Ban__** * [[fail2ban_install|Install]] * [[fail2ban_commands|Commands]] * [[fail2ban_ssh_config|SSH Configuration]] * [[fail2ban-xmlrpc|xmlrpc]] * [[fail2ban_wp-login|wp-login]] * **__Memcached__** \\ * install * [[memcache_invetigation|troubleshooting]] * configure * **__Redis__** \\ * [[redis_cache|Clearing Cache]] * **__Hardware__** \\ * [[raid|RAID]] * **__Plesk__** * [[plesk_admin_pass|Admin password]] * [[plesk_mysql|mysql log in]] * [[plesk|General Plesk Stuff]] * [[plesk_logs|Plesk Logs]] * [[plesk_mail|List Plesk Mail Users]] * Plesk FTP Details * **__git__** * [[git_install|Installing]] * [[git_clone|Cloning]] * Setting up a git * __**Package Management**__ * [[yum|Yum]] * [[rpm|RPM]] * [[repositories|Repositories]] * [[yum_plugin_replace|yum replace]] * **__SSH__** * [[ssh_keys|Creating ssh Keys]] * And logging in with ssh key * [[ssh|ssh no-keys]] * [[ssl_fingerprint|ssh fingerprint]] * Python * [[python_altinstall|altinstall]] * **__WordPress__** * [[wordpress|Wordpress]] * **WP Web Design/config Stuff** * [[wp_frontpage|Frontpage Display]] * [[wordpress_whitepage|Wordpress White Screen]] * [[wp_menu|wp-custom menu]] * **__Magento__** * [[magento_information|Magento Version/Edition]] * [[magento_indexing|Indexing]] * __**LXC-Containers**__ * [[lxc-containers|Overview/Installation]] * **__Docker__** * [[docker_install|Install]] * [[docker_containers|Basics]] * [[docker_images_containers|Creating Containers from images]] * [[docker_networking|Networking]] * [[docker_push|Imaging & Pushing]] * [[docker_run|Run Examples]] __**RedHat7 134**__ \\ *Systemctl ***Firewalld** * [[firewalld_general|General]] * [[firewalld_ports_services|Opening ports / services]] * SELinux * [[selinux|Selinux]] *Scheduling Tasks \\ ***ACLs** \\ * [[acl|Acls]] * [[acl_backup|Backup/Restore]] *[[ldap_centos7|LDAP]] \\ *Adding Disks, Partitions and Filesystems \\ *[[logical_volumes|Logical Volume Management (LVM)]] \\ *Accessing NFS \\ *Accessing SAMBA (SMB) \\ New