===Showing containers:=== docker ps Example output: [root@docker ~]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e74a951620df centos "/bin/bash" 27 minutes ago Up 27 minutes reverent_hoover c4e618ab9128 centos "/bin/bash" 28 minutes ago Up 28 minutes elated_pike \\ ===Searching for an OS === There are pre-configured docker containers, you are able to search for them using the search command: docker search OS Example output [root@docker ~]# docker search centos7 NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED ansible/centos7-ansible Ansible on Centos7 57 [OK] milcom/centos7-systemd 5 [OK] gonzalomarcote/docker-cert-asterisk13-centos7 Docker image with Certified Asterisk 13 LT... 3 [OK] toprightgroup/narwhal-centos7 Docker base image with CentOS 7 2 [OK] cmer81/centos7-openstack Centos7 image for openstack-cloudinit 2 [OK] tukiyo3/centos7-ja-systemd from centos:centos7 1 [OK] opencpu/centos7 Development build of OpenCPU based on Cent... 0 [OK] kriation/centos7 A base CentOS v7 image derived from centos... 0 [OK] finalduty/centos7 0 [OK] appelgriebsch/centos7 CentOS 7 with EPEL repo and latest securit... 0 [OK] \\ ===Renaming a Container=== \\ docker rename --help Usage: docker rename [OPTIONS] OLD_NAME NEW_NAME docker rename CentOS6 WebApplication \\ \\